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Mission Statement

Writer's picture: Michael LynchMichael Lynch

Put together a Mission Statement which focuses on your team's pillars of play and what its culture entails.

I've taken a little break from writing and social media participation for the last few weeks just to enjoy watching the NBA Playoffs, soak in the last few weeks of Summer and prepare for the start of the school year. I think most teachers, coaches and parents would agree that there has been an excessive amount of anxiety surrounding the start of this school year. Now that we have a few weeks of school under our belt and there seems to be a few positive signs that the Winter Hoops Season may come to fruition I think its time to really focus in on the key elements of our basketball programs. What I was thinking about doing was putting together a series of posts that organize my thought process as we go through the last few months before the season.

The first thing I wanted to look at is our Mission Statement. This is something I reexamine at the start of each season and assess whether or not anything needs to be tweaked. It is a pretty simple document that has two key components to it; our team Pillars and the Culture Wall.

  1. Pillars - These are the Staples of our Style of Play. They are Points of Emphasis for how we choose to play.

  2. Culture Wall - These are the things we value & encourage in one another. As Players and Coaches these should be things that happen often within our program.

The last thing I would say is that I really try to not put anything on this document that is "fluff" or "coach speak" - I want these to truly describe how we will play and how we will act with one another. So without further discussion here it is:

Concluding Thoughts

The next step would involve putting these principles into action. On the practice floor (and on game day) we are making it a point of emphasis to stress our game play pillars. Then both on and off the floor we are finding ways to emphasize, praise, and encourage our culture wall concepts. Culture Wall concepts are certainly not things that are simply going to appear overnight and with the changing nature of high school programs these are things that are constantly a work in progress. In fact, given the circumstances of this coming year I would argue this may be the most challenging year yet to make this work.

I would love to see if any other coaches out there do something similar with their programs.

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